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This web page is issued by Msquared Capital Pty Ltd (MCPL) ACN 622 507 297, AFSL No 520293. MCPL is the Fund Manager of the Msquared Contributory Mortgage Income Fund (The Fund). The information contained in this web page was prepared and authorised by MCPL and does not take account of a recipient's objectives, financial circumstances or needs. While MCPL has no reason to believe that the information in this web page is inaccurate, the truth or accuracy of the information in this web page cannot be warranted or guaranteed.

 Anyone on this web page must obtain and rely upon their own independent advice and inquiries. Investors should consider the Information Memorandum (IM) relevant to The Fund before making any decision to acquire, continue to hold or dispose of units in The Fund, subject to the rules of The Fund.

You should also consult a licensed financial adviser before making an investment decision in relation to The Fund. A copy of the IM and related application form may be obtained at None of MCPL or any party appointed by or associated with them assumes any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, or omissions in this web page. Any quoted rates are net of management fees and costs. Please note that past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.



The investment is secured by a first registered mortgage over eighteen (18) recently completed residential units and one (1) retail suite located in the Sydney suburb or Meadowbank.